



The archaeologist's spade
delves into dwellings
vacancied long ago,

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Volkov, trong khi trò chuyện với nhà thơ Brodsky, đã nhắc tới một tiểu luận về Stravinsky, của Auden, qua đó, nhà thơ Anh này cho rằng, chính cái gọi là sự tiến hóa [evolution], phân biệt nghệ sĩ lớn với thứ nhỏ con. Nhìn hai bài thơ của ông nhỏ con, không làm sao biết bài nào làm trước.
Theo nghĩa đó, một khi đạt được một tí thành tựu nào đó, nhà thơ bé bèn ngưng lại, không chịu lớn thêm nữa. Anh ta hết chuyện nói [He has no more history]. Trong khi, nghệ sĩ lớn, chẳng bao g...

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Note: Cũng sách xon. Cùng tay biên tập Tuyển Tập Thơ, Edward Mendelson. Gấu thực sự choáng khi biết Auden còn là 1 tay điểm sách, tác giả, phê bình. Đọc loáng thoáng, trong bài viết về Pope: Bài thơ bảnh nhất, độc nhất, đối với tôi, của Pope, thất bại, là bài An Essay on Man. Nhưng thất bại, đấy, vưỡn có những dòng thần sầu…
Thế rồi Auden nói vào tai Gấu, câu thơ thần sầu của Pope:
Die of a rose in aromatic pain: Chết của 1 bông hồng, trong cơn đau thơm lừng.

Bài về C.P. Cavafy, 1 “gay”, như ông, cũng thật tuyệt:


Ever since I was first introduced to his poetry by the late Professor R. M. Dawkins over thirty years ago, C. P. Cavafy has remained an influence on my own writing; that is to say, I can think of poems which, if Cavafy were unknown to me, I should have written quite differently or perhaps not written at all.

30 năm trôi qua, kể từ khi được biết tới ông, qua giáo sư đã mất R.M. Dawkins, Cavafy ảnh hưởng lên cái viết của riêng tôi, điều này có nghĩa:
Tôi nghĩ đến những bài thơ mà giả dụ rằng, tôi không biết Cavafy là ai, thì tôi sẽ viết 1 cách khác hẳn, hay có lẽ, đếch viết ra! 

Ui chao, thần sầu. Mít cứt đái, đếch thằng nào có Thầy, làm sao viết nổi 1 dòng đơn giản như thế! NQT

Re: Auden sửa thơ.

Trong bài Giới thiệu Tuyển Tập Thơ của Auden, tay biên tập khuyên chúng ta:
Probably the best way to get to know Auden's work is to read the early versions first for their greater immediate impact, and the revised versions afterwards for their greater subtlety and depth. For most readers this book will be a First Auden, and the later collections are recommended as a Second.

Cách tốt nhất, làm quen Auden, là đọc những bài thơ đầu, sau đó, đọc thơ sửa, tinh tế hơn, sâu lắng hơn...

Những dòng mà Edward Mendelson viết về sự sửa thơ của Auden, quái làm sao, “mắc mớ gì đó”, với thái độ không sửa thơ, và thái độ, không “viết lại”, hay “lại viết”, sau khi ra tù VC

Most criticism, however, has taken a censorious view of Auden's revisions, and the issue is an important one because behind it is a larger dispute about Auden's theory of poetry.
In making his revisions, and in justifying them as he did, Auden was systematically rejecting a whole range of modernist assumptions about poetic form, the nature of poetic language, and the effects of poetry on its audience. Critics who find the changes deplorable generally argue, in effect, that a poet loses his right to revise or reject his work after he publishes it-as if the skill with which he brought his poems from their early drafts to the point of publication somehow left him at the moment they appeared, making him a trespasser on his own work thereafter. This argument presupposes the romantic notion that poetic form is, or ought to be, "organic," that an authentic poem is shaped by its own internal forces rather than by the external effects of craft; versions of this idea survived as central tenets of modernism. In revising his poems, Auden opened his workshop to the public, and the spectacle proved unsettling, especially as his revisions, unlike Yeats', moved against the current of literary fashion. In the later part of his career, he increasingly called attention in his essays to the technical aspects of verse, the details of metrical and stanzaic construction-much as Brecht had brought his stagehands into the full view of the audience. The goal in each case was to remove the mystery that surrounds works of art, to explode the myth of poetic inspiration, and to deny any special privileges to poetry in the realm of language or to artists in the realm of ethics.
Critics mistook this attitude as a "rejection" of poetry… 

Cái câu Gấu gạch dưới, giải thích thái độ của TTT, khi không viết nữa, và nó mắc mớ tới vấn đề đạo hạnh của nghệ sĩ.

Bài thơ hiển hách nhất của Auden, với riêng Gấu, và tất nhiên, với Brodsky – ông đọc nó khi bị lưu đầy nội xứ ở 1 nông trường cải tạo, và khám phá ra cõi thơ của chính ông! – là bài tưởng niệm Yeats


In Memory of W B. Yeats

(d.January 1939)

Bạn thì cũng cà chớn như chúng tớ: Tài năng thiên bẩm của bạn sẽ sống sót điều đó, sau cùng;
Nào cao đường minh kính của những mụ giầu có, sự hóa lão của cơ thể.
Chính bạn; Ái Nhĩ Lan khùng đâm bạn vào thơ
Bây giờ thì Ái Nhĩ Lan có cơn khùng của nó, và thời tiết của ẻn thì vưỡn thế
Bởi là vì thơ đếch làm cho cái chó gì xẩy ra: nó sống sót
Ở trong thung lũng của điều nó nói, khi những tên thừa hành sẽ chẳng bao giờ muốn lục lọi; nó xuôi về nam,
Từ những trang trại riêng lẻ và những đau buồn bận rộn
Những thành phố nguyên sơ mà chúng ta tin tưởng, và chết ở trong đó; nó sống sót,
Như một cách ở đời, một cái miệng. 

Thời gian vốn không khoan dung
Đối với những con người can đảm và thơ ngây,
Và dửng dưng trong vòng một tuần lễ
Trước cõi trần xinh đẹp, 

Thờ phụng ngôn ngữ và tha thứ
Cho những ai kia, nhờ họ, mà nó sống;
Tha thứ sự hèn nhát và trí trá,
Để vinh quang của nó dưới chân chúng. 

Thời gian với nó là lời bào chữa lạ kỳ
Tha thứ cho Kipling và những quan điểm của ông ta
Và sẽ tha thứ cho… Gấu Cà Chớn
Tha thứ cho nó, vì nó viết bảnh quá!

Trong ác mộng của bóng tối
Tất cả lũ chó Âu Châu sủa
Và những quốc gia đang sống, đợi,
Mỗi quốc gia bị cầm tù bởi sự thù hận của nó;

Nỗi ô nhục tinh thần
Lộ ra từ mỗi khuôn mặt
Và cả 1 biển thương hại nằm,
Bị khoá cứng, đông lạnh
Ở trong mỗi con mắt

Hãy đi thẳng, bạn thơ ơi,
Tới tận cùng của đêm đen
Với giọng thơ không kìm kẹp của bạn
Vẫn năn nỉ chúng ta cùng tham dự cuộc chơi

Với cả 1 trại thơ
Làm 1 thứ rượu vang của trù eỏ
Hát sự không thành công của con người
Trong niềm hoan lạc chán chường

Trong sa mạc của con tim
Hãy để cho con suối chữa thương bắt đầu
Trong nhà tù của những ngày của anh ta
Hãy dạy con người tự do làm thế nào ca tụng.

February 1939

W.H. Auden

Image may contain: 1 person, text

March 20, 2014 Issue

The Secret Auden

Edward Mendelson


W.H. Auden had a secret life that his closest friends knew little or nothing about. Everything about it was generous and honorable. He kept it secret because he would have been ashamed to have been praised for it.

I learned about it mostly by chance, so it may have been far more extensive than I or anyone ever knew. Once at a party I met a woman who belonged to the same Episcopal church that Auden attended in the 1950s, St. Mark’s in-the-Bowery in New York. She told me that Auden heard that an old woman in the congregation was suffering night terrors, so he took a blanket and slept in the hallway outside her apartment until she felt safe again.

Someone else recalled that Auden had once been told that a friend needed a medical operation that he couldn’t afford. Auden invited the friend to dinner, never mentioned the operation, but as the friend was leaving said, “I want you to have this,” and handed him a large notebook containing the manuscript of The Age of Anxiety. The University of Texas bought the notebook and the friend had the operation.

From some letters I found in Auden’s papers, I learned that a few years after World War II he had arranged through a European relief agency to pay the college costs for two war orphans chosen by the agency, an arrangement that continued, with a new set of orphans every few years, until his death at sixty-six in 1973.

At times, he went out of his way to seem selfish while doing something selfless. When NBC Television was producing a broadcast of The Magic Flute for which Auden, together with Chester Kallman, had translated the libretto, he stormed into the producer’s office demanding to be paid immediately, instead of on the date specified in his contract. He waited there, making himself unpleasant, until a check finally arrived. A few weeks later, when the canceled check came back to NBC, someone noticed that he had endorsed it, “Pay to the order of Dorothy Day.” The New York City Fire Department had recently ordered Day to make costly repairs to the homeless shelter she managed for the Catholic Worker Movement, and the shelter would have been shut down had she failed to come up with the money.

At literary gatherings he made a practice of slipping away from “the gaunt and great, the famed for conversation” (as he called them in a poem) to find the least important person in the room. A letter-writer in the Times of London last year recalled one such incident:

Sixty years ago my English teacher brought me to London from my provincial grammar school for a literary conference. Understandably, she abandoned me for her friends when we arrived, and I was left to flounder. I was gauche and inept and had no idea what to do with myself. Auden must have sensed this because he approached me and said, “Everyone here is just as nervous as you are, but they are bluffing, and you must learn to bluff too.”

Late in life Auden wrote self- revealing poems and essays that portrayed him as insular and nostalgic, still living imaginatively in the Edwardian world of his childhood. His “Doggerel by a Senior Citizen” began, “Our earth in 1969/Is not the planet I call mine,” and continued with disgruntled complaints against the modern age: “I cannot settle which is worse,/The Anti-Novel or Free Verse.” A year after he wrote this, I chanced on a first book by a young poet, N.J. Loftis, Exiles and Voyages. Some of the book was in free verse; much of it alluded to Harlem and Africa; the author’s ethnic loyalties were signaled by the name of the publisher, the Black Market Press. The book was dedicated “To my first friend, W.H. Auden.”

A few years later I got a phone call from a Canadian burglar who told me he had come across Auden’s poems in a prison library and had begun a long correspondence in which Auden gave him an informal course in literature. Auden was especially pleased to get him started on Kafka. He was equally helpful to unknown young poets who sent him their poems, offering detailed help on such technical matters as adjectives and enjambment.

When he felt obliged to stand on principle on some literary or moral issue, he did so without calling attention to himself, and he was impatient with writers like Robert Lowell whose political protests seemed to him more egocentric than effective. When he won the National Medal for Literature in 1967, he was unwilling either to accept it in Lyndon Johnson’s White House during the Vietnam War or “to make a Cal Lowell gesture by a public refusal,” so he arranged for the ceremony to be held at the Smithsonian, where he gave an acceptance speech about the corruption of language by politics and propaganda.

He was always professional in his dealings with editors and publishers, uncomplainingly rewriting whole essays when asked—except on at least two occasions when he quietly sacrificed money and fame rather than falsify his beliefs. In 1964, for his translation (with Leif Sjöberg) of Dag Hammarskjöld’s posthumous Markings, he wrote a foreword that mentioned Hammarskjöld’s “narcissistic fascination with himself” and alluded almost invisibly to Hammarskjöld’s homosexuality, which Auden perceived as something entirely inward to Hammarskjöld and never acted upon:

A “thorn in the flesh” which convinces him that he can never hope to experience what, for most people, are the two greatest joys earthly life has to offer, either a passionate devotion returned, or a lifelong happy marriage.

He also alluded to Hammarskjöld’s inner sense of a messianic, sacrificial mission—something he seems to have recognized as a version of the messianic fantasy to which he had himself been tempted by his youthful fame as a revolutionary left-wing poet.

Auden had been Hammarskjöld’s candidate for the Nobel Prize, and was widely expected to win it in 1964. Soon after Hammarskjöld’s executors and friends saw Auden’s typescript, he was visited by a Swedish diplomat who hinted that the Swedish Academy would be unhappy if it were printed in its present form, that perhaps it could be revised. Auden ignored the hint, and seems to have mentioned the incident only once, when he went to dinner with his friend Lincoln Kirstein the same evening and said, “There goes the Nobel Prize.” The prize went to Jean-Paul Sartre, who refused it.

Two years later, Life magazine offered him $10,000 for an essay on the fall of Rome, the last of a series by multiple authors titled “The Romans.” Auden’s typescript ended with his reflections on the fall of two empires:

I think a great many of us are haunted by the feeling that our society, and by ours I don’t mean just the United States or Europe, but our whole world-wide technological civilisation, whether officially labelled capitalist, socialist or communist, is going to go smash, and probably deserves to.

The editors refused to inflict this on their patriotic mass-market readership in the era of the Pax Americana, and asked Auden to rewrite it. He declined, knowing that the piece would be dropped and that he would be paid nothing. Scholars have known for years that he had written the essay—an editor rescued it from the files when it was about to be discarded—but no one seemed to know why it never appeared. Auden may have told the story only to one friend, Thekla Clark, who retold it in a documentary film, Wystan: The Life, Love and Death of a Poet, by Michael Buergermeister, which had its premiere in Oxford last year.

Auden had many motives for portraying himself as rigid or uncaring when he was making unobtrusive gifts of time, money, and sympathy. In part he was reacting against his own early fame as the literary hero of the English left. In 1937, before he turned thirty, a London paper printed on its front page the news that he had gone to Madrid planning to drive an ambulance for the beleaguered Republic in the Spanish civil war. (He was instead put to work broadcasting propaganda, and, after visiting the front, quietly left, disheartened by some of the actions of his own side.)

In 1939 he left England for America, partly to escape his own public status. Six months later, after making a speech at a political meeting, he wrote to a friend:


I suddenly found I could really do it, that I could make a fighting demagogic speech and have the audience roaring…. It is so exciting but so absolutely degrading; I felt just covered with dirt afterwards.

He was disgusted by his early fame because he saw the mixed motives behind his image of public virtue, the gratification he felt in being idolized and admired. He felt degraded when asked to pronounce on political and moral issues about which, he reminded himself, artists had no special insight. Far from imagining that artists were superior to anyone else, he had seen in himself that artists have their own special temptations toward power and cruelty and their own special skills at masking their impulses from themselves.


In 1939, at thirty-two, he fell in love with Chester Kallman and thought of their relation as a marriage. Two years later, Kallman ended it because he could not endure Auden’s wish for faithfulness. Auden reacted with murderous rage, probably toward Kallman, possibly toward the man with whom Kallman had been unfaithful. A few months later, he wrote in a verse letter to Kallman, “on account of you, I have been, in intention, and almost in act, a murderer.”

By the time he wrote this, he had begun to sense that he had caused the break between them by trying to reshape Kallman into an ideal figure, an imaginary lover whom he valued more than the real one. What Auden had thought of as love for the younger man had been infected by libido dominandi, a lust for the power to transform him into someone else. This was a temptation that everyone experienced, but artists, he thought, were especially susceptible to it. He said in a lecture on Shakespeare’s sonnets a few years later: “Art may spill over from creating a world of language into the dangerous and forbidden task of trying to create a human being.”

Earlier, in his twenties, when he was trying to act as a political poet, he tried to write for a plural audience—that is, for a group or category of readers who shared similar interests. Later, he realized that he had always preferred to write as if addressing an individual reader. He might have thousands of individual readers, but he wrote as if speaking to one. “All the poems I have written were written for love,” he said; “naturally, when I have written one, I try to market it, but the prospect of a market played no role in its writing.”

A writer who addresses a plural audience claims to deserve their collective attention. He must present himself as the great modernists—Yeats, Joyce, Eliot, Pound—more or less seriously presented themselves, as visionary pioneers and cultural authorities, artist-heroes setting an agenda for their time and their nation. In contrast, a writer who addresses an individual reader presents himself as someone expert in his métier but in every other way equal with his reader, having no moral authority or special insight on anything beyond his art. Virginia Woolf, who thought much as Auden did about these matters, rebuked her readers for accepting an unequal relation with authors:

In your modesty you seem to consider that writers are of different blood and bone from yourselves; that they know more of Mrs Brown than you do. Never was there a more fatal mistake. It is this division between reader and writer, this humility on your part, these professional airs and graces on ours, that corrupt and emasculate the books which should be the healthy offspring of a close and equal alliance between us.

In an age when writers as different as Hemingway and Eliot encouraged their public to admire them as heroic explorers of the mind and spirit, Auden preferred to err in the opposite direction, by presenting himself as less than he was.


By refusing to claim moral or personal authority, Auden placed himself firmly on one side of an argument that pervades the modern intellectual climate but is seldom explicitly stated, an argument about the nature of evil and those who commit it.

On one side are those who, like Auden, sense the furies hidden in themselves, evils they hope never to unleash, but which, they sometimes perceive, add force to their ordinary angers and resentments, especially those angers they prefer to think are righteous. On the other side are those who can say of themselves without irony, “I am a good person,” who perceive great evils only in other, evil people whose motives and actions are entirely different from their own. This view has dangerous consequences when a party or nation, having assured itself of its inherent goodness, assumes its actions are therefore justified, even when, in the eyes of everyone else, they seem murderous and oppressive.

One of many forms this argument takes is a dispute over the meaning of the great totalitarian evils of the twentieth century: whether they reveal something about all of humanity or only about the uniquely evil leaders, cultures, and nations that committed them. For Auden, those evils made manifest the kinds of evil that were potential in everyone. Looking out from the attic room in peaceful, rural Austria where he composed his poems, he wrote (in “The Cave of Making”):


                      More than ever

life-out-there is goodly, miraculous, loveable,

   but we shan’t, not since Stalin and Hitler,

trust ourselves ever again: we know that, subjectively,

   all is possible.

“We,” that is to say, know collectively what is possible “subjectively” in the mind of each individual person.


In “September 1, 1939,” he dismissed the fantasy that anyone’s private life could be innocent of the evils that so obviously drove public life. Individual persons know subjectively—as if looking in a mirror—that they treat others as objects to be used, just as nations do:


Out of the mirror they stare,

Imperialism’s face

And the international wrong.

He observed to friends how common it was to find a dedicated anti-fascist who conducted his erotic life as if he were invading Poland.


Like everyone who thought more or less as he did, Auden didn’t mean that erotic greeds were morally equivalent to mass murder or that there was no difference between himself and Hitler. He was less interested in the obvious distinction between a responsible citizen and an evil dictator than he was in the more difficult question of what the citizen and dictator had in common, how the citizen’s moral and psychological failures helped the dictator to succeed.


Those who hold the opposite view, the view that the citizen and dictator have nothing in common, tend to hold many corollary views. One such corollary is that a suitable response to the vast evil of Nazi genocide is wordless, uncomprehending awe—because citizen and dictator are different species with no language they can share. Another corollary view is that Hannah Arendt, in Eichmann in Jerusalem (1963), was offensively wrong about the “banality of evil,” because evil is something monstrous, exotic, and inhuman. The acts and thoughts of a good citizen, in this view, can be banal, not those of a dictator or his agents.


Auden stated a view like Arendt’s as early as 1939, in his poem “Herman Melville”:


Evil is unspectacular and always human,

And shares our bed and eats at our own table.

He later quoted Simone Weil’s pensée on the same theme, written around the same time: “Imaginary evil is romantic and varied; real evil is gloomy, monotonous, barren, boring.”


The view that the citizen and dictator have nothing in common has another corollary: the view that the dictator’s victims are inherently innocent, not merely innocent victims of someone else’s evil, but innocent in everything, so that even after the murderous dictator has been destroyed, their own actions, no matter how oppressive or unjust, may not be judged by the same standard as his actions. As victims of irrational hatred, they cannot imagine themselves acting on comparable hatreds. Against this fantasy of inherent innocence, Auden recognized that victims, no matter how guiltless in their own victimization, are tempted to become victimizers in turn. As he put it briskly in a song, “Many a sore bottom finds/A sorer one to kick.”


Auden took intellectual pleasure in sorting people into types and anti-types. Much of his work dramatizes a distinction between gentle-minded Arcadians, who dream of an innocent past where everyone could do as they wanted without harming anyone else, and stern-minded Utopians, who fantasize, and sometimes try to build, an ideal future in which all will act as they should. He identified himself as an Arcadian, but he never imagined that Utopians, no matter how much he disliked being around them, were solely to blame for public and private injustice, and he always reminded himself that Arcadians were not as innocent as they thought.


In “Under Which Lyre,” his 1946 Harvard Phi Beta Kappa poem, he made a similar distinction under different names. Instead of Arcadians and Utopians, he described the unending war for the human heart between the playful children of Hermes the trickster and the authoritarian children of law-giving Apollo, and he urged his fellow irresponsibles to resist Apollo’s battalions. But he told a friend afterward, “I have a bit of Apollo in me too.” He later told another friend that he had authoritarian impulses in himself that he despised but could never entirely abolish.


In his prose poem “Vespers,” an Arcadian and a Utopian unwillingly perceive that each shares in the guilt of their civilization, that each is responsible for the “cement of blood” without which “no secular wall will safely stand.” When the two encounter each other at a crossroads, neither speaks, but each knows what the other thinks:


Both simultaneously recognize his Anti-type: that I am an Arcadian, that he is a Utopian.

He notes, with contempt, my Aquarian belly: I note, with alarm, his Scorpion’s mouth.

He would like to see me cleaning latrines: I would like to see him removed to some other planet.

Far from responding to Nazi genocide with wordless awe, Auden understood it as an extreme case of something all too comprehensible, the pandemic fantasy of building New Jerusalem in the real world:


Even Hitler, I imagine, would have defined his New Jerusalem as a world where there are no Jews, not as a world where they are being gassed by the million day after day in ovens, but he was a Utopian, so the ovens had to come in.

When Auden reviewed Isaiah Berlin’s The Hedgehog and the Fox in 1954, he offered an alternative to Berlin’s antithesis of hedgehogs who know one thing and foxes who know many. Improvising on Alice in Wonderland, he contrasted strong-minded Alices, confident in their moral rightness, with weak-minded Mabels, content to think as everyone else thinks. His antithesis had more to do with moral self-knowledge than with knowledge of the world.


Berlin was Auden’s lifelong friend, and Auden was demurring gently at the Alice-like qualities he sensed in Berlin’s book. One especially memorable statement by Berlin of the Alice-like views that Auden distrusted occurs in his later essay on Turgenev (printed, among other places, in these pages). Berlin wrote: “The dilemma of morally sensitive, honest, and intellectually responsible men at a time of acute polarization of opinion has, since [Turgenev’s] time, grown acute and world-wide.” Whatever Berlin intended, a sentence like this encourages readers to count themselves among the sensitive, honest, and responsible, with the inevitable effect of blinding themselves to their own insensitivities, dishonesties, and irresponsibilities, and to the evils committed by a group, party, or nation that they support. Their “dilemma” is softened by the comforting thought of their merits.

Auden wrote a poem about complacency and its pleasures, pleasures that he knew he shared, though he understood their delusions. The poem was “Lakes” (1952):

Only a very wicked or conceited man,

About to sink somewhere in mid-Atlantic,

Could think Poseidon’s frown was meant for him in person,

But it is only human to believe

The little lady of the glacier lake has fallen

In love with the rare bather whom she drowns.

In the final stanza Auden wondered which kind of lake—“Moraine, pot, oxbow, glint, sink, crater, piedmont, dimple”—he would choose if he could own one, and ended on an ironic note of complacent pleasure: “Just reeling off their names is ever so comfy.” He first published the poem with no dedication; when he reprinted it a few months after reviewing The Hedgehog and the Fox he dedicated it “For Isaiah Berlin.”

Auden’s sense of his divided motives was inseparable from his idiosyncratic Christianity. He had no literal belief in miracles or deities and thought that all religious statements about God must be false in a literal sense but might be true in metaphoric ones. He felt himself commanded to an absolute obligation—which he knew he could never fulfill—to love his neighbor as himself, and he alluded to that commandment in a late haiku: “He has never seen God/but, once or twice, he believes/he has heard Him.” He took communion every Sunday and valued ancient liturgy, not for its magic or beauty, but because its timeless language and ritual was a “link between the dead and the unborn,” a stay against the complacent egoism that favors whatever is contemporary with ourselves. The book he wrote while returning in 1940 to the Anglican Communion of his childhood was titled The Double Man. It had an epigraph from Montaigne: “We are, I know not how, double in ourselves, so that what we believe we disbelieve, and cannot rid ourselves of what we condemn.” He felt obliged to reveal to his neighbor what he condemned in himself.



Epitaph on a Tyrant 

Perfection, of a kind, was what he was after,
And the poetry he invented was easy to understand;
He knew human folly like the back of his hand,
And was greatly interested in armies and fleets;
When he laughed, respectable senators burst with laughter,
And when he cried the little children died in the streets.

January 1939
W.H. Auden

Bia mộ Bác Hát

Bảnh, thật bảnh - kiểu đó - đó là cái mà Hắn tìm
Và thơ Hắn phịa ra - hoặc chôm của Tẫu – thì thật dễ hiểu
Hắn rành sự khùng điên của con người như lưng bàn tay
Hắn rất quan tâm tới những binh đoàn kéo nhau ra tiền tuyến
Khi Hắn cười, cả bộ sậu Bắc Bộ Phủ bò ra cười
Và khi Hắn khóc những đứa trẻ chết như rạ ở đường phố Xề Gòn

In Memory of W B. Yeats

(d.January 1939)


He disappeared in the dead of winter:
The brooks were frozen, the air-ports almost deserted,
And snow disfigured the public statues;
The mercury sank in the mouth of the dying day.
O all the instruments agree
The day of his death was a dark cold day.

Far from his illness
The wolves ran on through the evergreen forests,
The peasant river was untempted by the fashionable quays;
By mourning tongues
The death of the poet was kept from his poems. 

But for him it was his last afternoon as himself,
An afternoon of nurses and rumours;
The provinces of his body revolted,
The squares of his mind were empty,
Silence invaded the suburbs,
The current of his feeling failed: he became his admirers.

Now he is scattered among a hundred cities
And wholly given over to unfamiliar affections;
To find his happiness in another kind of wood
And be punished under a foreign code of conscience.
The words of a dead man
Are modified in the guts of the living. 

But in the importance and noise of to-morrow
When the brokers are roaring like beasts on the floor of the Bourse,
And the poor have the sufferings to which they are fairly accustomed,
And each in the cell of himself is almost convinced of his freedom;
A few thousand will think of this day
As one thinks of a day when one did something slightly unusual.
O all the instruments agree
The day of his death was a dark cold day.



You were silly like us: your gift survived it all;
The parish of rich women, physical decay,
Yourself; mad Ireland hurt you into poetry
Now Ireland has her madness and her weather still,
For poetry makes nothing happen: it survives
In the valley of its saying where executives
Would never want to tamper; it flows south
From ranches of isolation and the busy griefs,
Raw towns that we believe and die in; it survives,
A way of happening, a mouth. 


Earth, receive an honoured guest;
William Yeats is laid to rest:
Let the Irish vessel lie
Emptied of its poetry.
Time that is intolerant
Of the brave and innocent,
And indifferent in a week
To a beautiful physique,

Worships language and forgives
Everyone by whom it lives;
Pardons cowardice, conceit,
Lays its honours at their feet. 

Time that with this strange excuse
Pardoned Kipling and his views,
And will pardon Paul Claudel,
Pardons him for writing well. 

In the nightmare of the dark
All the dogs of Europe bark,
And the living nations wait,
Each sequestered in its hate; 

Intellectual disgrace
Stares from every human face,
And the seas of pity lie
Locked and frozen in each eye.
Follow, poet, follow right
To the bottom of the night,
With your unconstraining voice
Still persuade us to rejoice;
With the farming of a verse
Make a vineyard of the curse,
Sing of human unsuccess
In a rapture of distress;

In the deserts of the heart
Let the healing fountain start,
In the prison of his days
Teach the free man how to praise. 

February 1939

Tưởng niệm Yeats

Nhà thơ biến mất vào cái chết mùa đông
Những con suối đóng băng, những phi trường gần như bỏ hoang
Và tuyết huỷ hoại những pho tượng công cộng
Thời tiết chìm vào trong miệng của ngày chết
Ôi, tất cả những công cụ thì đều đồng ý
Ngày nhà thơ mất đi là một ngày lạnh giá, âm u.

Thật xa sự bịnh hoạn của ông
Những con chó sói băng qua những khu rừng xanh rờn
Con sông nơi quê mùa chẳng bị cám dỗ bởi những bến cảng sang trọng
Bằng những giọng tiếc thương
Cái chết của thi sĩ được tách ra khỏi những bài thơ của ông.

Nhưng với ông, thì đây là buổi chiều cuối cùng, như chính ông
Một buổi chiều với những nữ y tá và những tiếng xầm xì;
Những địa phận trong cơ thể ông nổi loạn
Những quảng trường trong tâm trí ông thì trống rỗng
Sự im lặng xâm lăng vùng ngoại vi
Dòng cảm nghĩ của ông thất bại: ông trở thành những người hâm mộ ông

Bây giờ thì ông phân tán ra giữa hàng trăm đô thị
Với trọn một mớ cảm xúc khác thường;
Tìm hạnh phúc của ông ở trong một cảnh rừng khác
Bị trừng phạt bởi một luật lệ ngoại về lương tâm.

Nhưng trong cái quan trọng và tiếng ồn của ngày mai
Khi đám brokers gầm rú như những con thú ở sàn Chứng Khoán,
Và những người nghèo đau khổ như đã từng quen với đau khổ,
Và mỗi kẻ, trong thâm tâm của chính kẻ đó, thì hầu như đều tin tưởng ở sự tự do của nhà thơ;
Và chừng vài ngàn người sẽ nghĩ về ngày này
Như 1 kẻ nghĩ về một ngày khi một kẻ nào đó làm một điều không giống ai, khác lệ thường

Ôi, bao nhiêu công cụ thì đều đồng ý
Ngày nhà thơ ra đi thì là một ngày âm u, giá lạnh


Bạn thì cũng cà chớn như chúng tớ: Tài năng thiên bẩm của bạn sẽ sống sót điều đó, sau cùng;
Nào cao đường minh kính của những mụ giầu có, sự hóa lão của cơ thể.
Chính bạn; Ái Nhĩ Lan khùng đâm bạn vào thơ
Bây giờ thì Ái Nhĩ Lan có cơn khùng của nó, và thời tiết của ẻn thì vưỡn thế
Bởi là vì thơ đếch làm cho cái chó gì xẩy ra: nó sống sót
Ở trong thung lũng của điều nó nói, khi những tên thừa hành sẽ chẳng bao giờ muốn lục lọi; nó xuôi về nam,
Từ những trang trại riêng lẻ và những đau buồn bận rộn
Những thành phố nguyên sơ mà chúng ta tin tưởng, và chết ở trong đó; nó sống sót,
Như một cách ở đời, một cái miệng.


Đất, nhận một vị khách thật là bảnh
William Yeats bèn nằm yên nghỉ
Hãy để cho những con tầu Ái nhĩ lan nằm nghỉ
Cạn sạch thơ của nó
[Irish vessel, dòng kinh nguyệt Ái nhĩ lan, theo nghĩa của Trăng Huyết của Minh Ngọc]

Thời gian vốn không khoan dung
Đối với những con người can đảm và thơ ngây,
Và dửng dưng trong vòng một tuần lễ
Trước cõi trần xinh đẹp, 

Thờ phụng ngôn ngữ và tha thứ
Cho những ai kia, nhờ họ, mà nó sống;
Tha thứ sự hèn nhát và trí trá,
Để vinh quang của nó dưới chân chúng. 

Thời gian với nó là lời bào chữa lạ kỳ
Tha thứ cho Kipling và những quan điểm của ông ta
Và sẽ tha thứ cho… Gấu Cà Chớn
Tha thứ cho nó, vì nó viết bảnh quá!

Trong ác mộng của bóng tối
Tất cả lũ chó Âu Châu sủa
Và những quốc gia đang sống, đợi,
Mỗi quốc gia bị cầm tù bởi sự thù hận của nó;

Nỗi ô nhục tinh thần
Lộ ra từ mỗi khuôn mặt
Và cả 1 biển thương hại nằm,
Bị khoá cứng, đông lạnh
Ở trong mỗi con mắt

Hãy đi thẳng, bạn thơ ơi,
Tới tận cùng của đêm đen
Với giọng thơ không kìm kẹp của bạn
Vẫn năn nỉ chúng ta cùng tham dự cuộc chơi

Với cả 1 trại thơ
Làm 1 thứ rượu vang của trù eỏ
Hát sự không thành công của con người
Trong niềm hoan lạc chán chường

Trong sa mạc của con tim
Hãy để cho con suối chữa thương bắt đầu
Trong nhà tù của những ngày của anh ta
Hãy dạy con người tự do làm thế nào ca tụng.

February 1939

W.H. Auden

Refugee Blues

Say this city has ten million souls,
Some are living in mansions, some are living in holes:
Yet there's no place for us, my dear, yet there's no place for us.

Once we had a country and we thought it fair,
Look in the atlas and you'll find it there:
We cannot go there now, my dear, we cannot go there now.

In the village churchyard there grows an old yew,
Every spring it blossoms anew:
Old passports can't do that, my dear, old passports can't do that.

The consul banged the table and said,
"If you've got no passport you're officially dead":
But we are still alive, my dear, but we are still alive.

Went to a committee; they offered me a chair;
Asked me politely to return next year:
But where shall we go to-day, my dear, but where shall we go

Came to a public meeting; the speaker got up and said;
"If we let them in, they will steal our daily bread":
He was talking of you and me, my dear, he was talking of you
                                                                                   and me.

Thought I heard the thunder rumbling in the sky;
It was Hitler over Europe, saying, "They must die":
O we were in his mind, my dear, O we were in his mind.

Saw a poodle in a jacket fastened with a pin,
Saw a door opened and a cat let in:
But they weren't German Jews, my dear, but they weren't
                                                                  German Jews.

Went down the harbour and stood upon the quay.
Saw the fish swimming as if they were free:
Only ten feet away, my dear, only ten feet away.

Walked through a wood, saw the birds in the trees;
They had no politicians and sang at their ease:
They weren't the human race, my dear, they weren't the
                                                                  human race.

Dreamed I saw a building with a thousand floors,
A thousand windows and a thousand doors:
Not one of them was ours, my dear, not one of them was ours.

Stood on a great plain in the falling snow;
Ten thousand soldiers marched to and fro:
Looking for you and me, my dear, looking for you and me.

March 1939

W.H. Auden

Blues Tị Nạn
Refugee Blues

Thành phố có 10 triệu linh hồn
Có số ở nhà lầu
Có số ở ổ chuột:
Tuy nhiên, chẳng có chỗ cho chúng ta, bạn ơi, tuy nhiên chẳng có chỗ cho chúng ta.

Đã có 1 thời chúng ta có 1 xứ sở, và chúng ta nghĩ, như vậy là OK
Hãy nhìn lên trái địa cầu, và bạn sẽ tìm thấy nó ở đó
Chúng ta không thể đi tới đó bây giờ, bạn ơi, chúng ta không thể đi tới đó bây giờ.

Ở trong sân chùa làng, có cây thuỷ tùng già
Cứ mỗi độ Xuân về là nó nở hoa mới tinh:
Thông hành già không thể làm như vậy, bạn ơi, thông hành già không thể

Tay lãnh sự VC đập bàn quát:
“Nếu mi không có visa, là ta đá đít mi ra khỏi cửa khẩu!”
[Gấu dịch nhảm. Nguyên là: Nếu mi không có thông hành,
thì kể như mi đã chết, theo nhà nước VC]:
Nhưng chúng ta vẫn còn sống, bạn ơi, chúng ta vưỡn còn sống.

Đi đến cuộc họp, họ đưa ghế ra mời tôi ngồi, và lịch sự nói, hãy trở lại năm tới
Nhưng hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ đi đâu, bạn ơi, chúng ta sẽ đi đâu,
bữa nay?

Tới cuộc họp công cộng, người phát ngôn đứng dậy, phán,
“Nếu chúng tôi cho bạn vô, thì tụi nó sẽ ăn cắp bánh mì hàng ngày của chúng ta”:
Hắn ta đang nói về bạn và tôi, bạn ơi, hắn ta đang nói về bạn
và tôi

Tôi nghe sấm động trời
Đó là Hitler lầu bầu trên đầu Âu Châu, “Chúng phải chết”
Ui chao, Tên Quỉ Nazi đang nghĩ đến chúng ta, bạn ơi, Tên Quỉ Nazi đang nghĩ đến chúng ta.

Nhìn thấy 1 con chó trong cái áo jacket đóng khuy bằng những cây kim
Nhìn thấy 1 cái cửa mở, và 1 con mèo chun vô:
Nhưng chúng đâu phải là Đức gốc Do Thái, bạn ơi, chúng đâu phải Đức Do Thái

Đi xuống cảng và đứng ở cầu tầu.
Nhìn thấy cá bay nhảy như thể chúng tự do
Chỉ cách đây vài bước, bạn ơi, chỉ cách đây vài bước.

Đi vô rừng, nhìn thấy chim trên cây;
Chúng đếch cần chính trị gia, và hót lia chia
Chúng đâu phải loài người,
bạn ơi, chúng đâu phải loài người

Mơ, nhìn thấy 1 tòa nhà  1 ngàn tầng lầu
Một ngàn cửa sổ, và 1 ngàn cửa ra vô
Chẳng người nào trong họ là chúng ta, bạn ơi, chẳng người nào trong họ là chúng ta

Ngồi trên cánh đồng lớn tuyết đang rơi
Một ngàn binh sĩ đi đi lại lại
Kiếm bạn và tôi, bạn ơi,
lũ bộ đội VC kiếm bạn và tôi

Tháng Ba 1939

W.H. Auden

Trong tập thơ W.H. Auden, Gấu Cà Chớn chấm được ba bài, thật hợp với Mít.
Bài Bia Mộ Bác Hát, độc giả TV ngâm nga rồi, trong khi thưởng Xuân, còn bài tưởng niệm Yeats, là để nhớ tới bài viết về Brodsky của Remnick, trong có nhắc tới bài thơ này.
Bài thứ ba, trên đây, làm nhớ đến bài Blues của TTT, trong Liên Đêm MTTT.
Và còn nhớ đến chúng ta, lũ Mít Tị Nạn Xanh.

Bài “Giới thiệu” cũng thật tuyệt.
Tách hẳn Auden ra khỏi mọi thi sĩ, mọi thời. Vị trí của ông có gì tương tự với TTT, trong thơ Mít.
Độc nhất vô nhị, chỉ của Mít và của thế kỷ 20 [Hãy cho anh khóc bằng mắt em/Những cuộc tình duyên Budapest]:
Auden là nhà thơ đầu tiên viết bằng tiếng Anh cảm thấy ở nhà trong thế kỷ 20 [who felt at home in the 20th century], và là người đầu tiên hiểu những cám dỗ đặc biệt của nó [its special temptations]. Ông chào mừng vô thơ ông [welcomed into his poetry] tất cả những điều kiện rối bời [disordered conditions] của thời của ông, tất cả những chìm nổi của ngôn ngữ và sự kiện, trong khi ông cưỡng lại cái khuynh hướng đặc dị của thời của mình, coi con người như là sản phẩm của những sức mạnh tập thể, trực giác, nguyên mẫu, hơn là những cá nhân suy nghĩ, chọn lựa, và cảm nhận [… he resisted the tendency characteristic of his time to perceive human beings as the product of collective, instinctive, and archetypal forces rather than as individuals who think, choose, and feel].  

Edward Mendelson: Introduction